Hydrogen Gas for Athletic Performance and Recovery

Hydrogen Gas for Athletic Performance and Recovery

Athletes tend to dream of having Rocket Fuel in their veins to beat the competition and with Hydrogen Gas this is literally possible 

Hydrogen Gas for Athletes

hydrogen gas for athletic performance and recovery

Whether you are a weekend athlete or training for the Olympics, the answer is the same.

Inevitably, any activity or training above a resting state immediately increases our bodies needs for energy and oxygen to power the activity.

Any activity that is more intense than what your body is used to, stresses our system causing a cascade of effects.  

The increased oxygen produces more cell damaging oxygen (harmful free) radicals, which cause oxidative stress. Oxidative stress progressively attacks your cells behind the scenes leading to loss of cell viability and cell death, causing muscle damage, weakness, fatigue and inflammation. In sports Medicine, this is referred to as “exercise induced oxidative stress.”

Hydrogen (H2) Infused Water Increases your Energy

Hydrogen Gas and Athletic PerformanceATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) is the energy currency for all the activities of your body. The food we eat and oxygen we breathe create ATP in the mitochondria, powering each body and organ function. However, free radicals are also produced every second from the oxygen we breathe. It is simply a fact of aerobic metabolism. Free radicals especially form oxygen (harmful free radicals) damage your mitochondria. When damaged, mitochondria cannot produce the necessary levels of ATP, the body turns to metabolising stored glycogen. Metabolising glycogen increases free radical production, which damages more mitochondria > snowball effect.

Clinical and pre-clinical studies demonstrate that H2 infused water improves mitochondrial function, increases ATP production and potentially induces mitochondrial biogenesis.

H2 is the smallest molecule in the universe and so able to rapidly diffuse through our cell membranes and neutralize the damaging free radicals. Its protective properties allow the mitochondria to produce optimal levels of ATP, providing you with more energy. When you must dig deep and go beyond your ATP production, as we all sometimes do during activity or training, research has shown that H2 increases peak power output.

The research publications demonstrate that drinking H2 infused water increases energy through improved ATP production

Go Higher >> Go Faster >> Go Longer.

H2 Water Can Increase your VO2 Max

A recent study showed that drinking hydrogen-rich water increased VO2 max, time to exhaustion and total work when compared to the placebo group who were given tap water. The study noted there were no side effects or contraindications.

H2 Water for Reducing Muscle Soreness

One recent study found that hydrogen rich water can positively impact athletic performance in elite athletes. Both muscle fatigue and lactate (levels of lactic acid in the blood) were decreased in the control group of elite athletes when they consumed H2 rich water before undergoing intensive exercise, controlled by strict test protocols. A similar study found that H2 infused water had a beneficial effect on the maximal rate of perceived exertion and lactic acid build-up at critical running speed during maximal exercise. While the exact mechanism was not identified, the study concluded that hydrogen infused water decreases the physical stress during maximal exercise.

Study Summary: Hydrogen-rich water pre-exercise reduces blood lactate levels and improves exercise-induced decline of muscle function.

Pilot Study: Effects of drinking hydrogen-  rich water on muscle fatigue caused by acute exercise in elite athletes

 Drinking H2 Water Protects Against Oxidative Stress

Any increase in activity results in an increased level of harmful free radicals which result in oxidative stress. Intense physical activity over a short period of time causes higher levels of oxidative stress and lactic acid build-up (exercise-induced metabolic acidosis). This is experienced by the athlete in increased fatigue, residual muscle soreness, micro-tears to the muscle fibres, and inflammation. Oxidative stress in any form no matter how you got there is not desirable as it has a negative effect on your performance and wellbeing.

H2 Improves Recovery Time and Healing

Recovering from your activity or training is a timely process and is more than just muscle repair. Recovery (as athletes call it) involves chemical and hormonal balance, nervous system repair, mental state, and more. Sometimes we strain a muscle or connective tissue. So proper recovery requires addressing many things. [51,52,53,54] Studies have found H2 to be beneficial in treating injuries and conditions related to oxidative stress and inflammation, and in treating soft tissue sports injuries. H2 has shown to help maintain homeostasis of enzymes including glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase and others. H2 has also demonstrated to provide important cell signalling capability critical to the brain and neurological function. These properties make hydrogen water far more than a simple recovery drink focused only on repairing muscles.

Hydrogen Water Improves Your Hydration

As H2 molecules neutralize the hydroxyl radicals and oxygen radicals, the only substance left inside of your cell from this reaction is pure water, leading to increased cellular hydration. No toxic waste whatsoever. This also explains the safety profile of hydrogen infused water.

  Hydrogen selectively neutralizes Harmful Free Radicals.   The by-product of the reaction of Hydrogen with a Free Radial is pure Water. No toxic waste. That is the reason for the improved Hydration from Hydrogen Gas.  

Is Hydrogen Gas Safe?

Absolutely. Hydrogen is a natural, colorless, odorless, MEDICAL gas.

The FDA and the clinical papers validate that hydrogen gas is 100% safe, has no side-effects whatsoever, can never be overdosed and any excess is simply exhaled.

Hydrogen Gas is the Key to Sports Performance and Recovery

Hydrogen Gas and Athletic Performance

How to Get Your Daily Dose of Hydrogen?

There are several effective delivery methods. The simplest method is to infuse the therapeutic gas into water, like making carbonated water. Once the gas is infused into the water it can be used for topical administration such as bath or nano skin spray or by simply drinking the hydrogen water.

Drinking Hydrogen Water is One of the Best, Effective and Affordable Ways to Increase Athletic Performance and Speed Recovery

Hydrogen Water Zenii Active

Introducing the Powerful

Zenii-Active Portable Hydrogen Water Generator [5]

Now everyone can afford to own a zenii-active, the world’s smallest yet strongest portable hydrogen water generator that just weighs 250grams. It will infuse your choice of purified or mineral water with high content of dissolved hydrogen gas with 1100ppb in only 3 min and up to 1600ppb in 5 min. Using the latest SPE/PEM technology with extra-large platinum coated titanium electrolysis plates and DuPont ion film, with integrated gas escape valve for successful removal of chlorine and ozone.

Hydrogen Zenii Active  

Although “Solid Poly Electrolytic (SPE) / Proton Exchange Membrane (PEM)” is currently the leading electrolysis technology to produce high content hydrogen gas water, it also produces unwanted ozone and chlorine in the drinking water. While other manufacturers often ignore those contaminating by-products, the zenii active features a specially designed waste release valve to prevent any unwanted residuals from entering the drinking water.


The Only Self-Cleaning Hydrogen Water Bottle [5]

The zenii active features an easy to use self-cleaning function by a simple press of a button. SPE/PEM technology produces with every use a slight “scale” build-up on the high-tech platinum coated titanium electrolysis membranes. If this scale is not removed regularly, the hydrogen gas  content in the water is highly reduced to the point that there is no hydrogen gas at all in the water. [29] 


Hydrogen Inhalation is the Key to Recovery and Healing

In the future every professional sports team will have a powerful hydrogen inhaler in proximity so treatments for serious and even minor injuries can start immediately. This would be especially important and useful when athletes suffer from concussions, which they all too frequently do in the sports of rugby, wrestling and soccer. The use for H2 in sports, up to this point, centres mostly around hydrogen’s antioxidant properties. Since intensive exercise results in free radicals overproduction and free radical-mediated damage to tissues, the use of a potent, novel antioxidant such as H2 will diminish oxidative stress and free radical related disorders (e.g. fatigue, micro-injury, inflammation, overtraining). Hydrogen gas, available at high concentrations in proximity for athletes being carried off the field with an injury would be similar to hydrogen gas used in intensive care wards, during surgery, in ambulances and in emergency centres. The sooner hydrogen is administered the better for the athlete. Rapid recovery from injuries that would normally take months have been demonstrated by the use of mixed hydrogen and oxygen gas (hydroxy gas) For example, muscle and proprioceptor instability that can be corrected by the body in the presence of hydrogen in minutes will cause trainers, physical therapists and doctors to carefully consider the power of this new tool for repair and rejuvenation. If you are an athlete, you will want a hydrogen inhaler in your house and your professional team will want one on the sidelines to saturate a freshly injured body in minutes with soothing hydrogen.

Meet the Powerful Zenii-Inhale [10]

Hydrogen Inhaler

A revolutionary and impressive way forward in the molecular hydrogen therapy industry.

This inhalation system gives you excess to the most powerful form of hydrogen-gas therapy. [10]

    Advanced patented SPE/PEM hydrogen-gas generation process     No catalyst required, only pure/distilled water     Produces 99.999% pure hydrogen-gas     Produces 99.999% pure oxygen-gas     Includes all attachments for hydrogen-gas inhalation  

Meet the Portable Zenii-Mini Inhale [14]

The zenii H2 mini inhaler is easy to use and comes in a stylish carry bag –

making it perfect to take wherever you go!

Be it the office, visiting family or even travel by plane on holiday or any sporting event! [14]

Zenii Mini Hydrogen Inhaler Portable ✔    Advanced patented SPE/PEM hydrogen-gas generation process ✔    No catalyst required, only pure/distilled water ✔    Produces 99.999% pure hydrogen-gas ✔    Includes all attachments for hydrogen-gas inhalation

About Zenii Hydrogen Solutions 

We are a team of health care professionals interested in helping you discover evidence-based innovative natural therapies to prevent and recover from disease, achieve optimal health, improve and maximize performance and enhance quality of life. [2] Our mission is to constantly follow the latest science-based research and developments on natural therapies, technologies and equipment and make it available to doctors, physicians and the public. Our comprehensive range of technologically advanced hydrogen/hydroxy gas therapy devices use the patented electrolysis technology featuring world leading medical concentrations and safety features. [42] Health Care Practitioners The zenii product range is used in clinics by medical doctors and health care providers and by many private individuals in the comfort of their home. We welcome anybody to join us in our efforts of making this superior supplement/treatment widely available or to own your own device. On the zenii website, we provide free access to the latest research and scientific publications on hydrogen therapy including cell, animal, and human studies. [4] References: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22520831/ Pilot study: Effects of drinking hydrogen-  rich water on muscle        fatigue caused by acute exercise in elite athletes https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22520831 https://journals.lww.com/acsm-msse/fulltext/2016/05001/Molecular_Hydrogen_Affected_Post_Exercise_Recovery.3217.aspx http://www.biomedres.info/biomedical-research/selective-protective-effect-of-hydrogen-water-on-free-radical-injury-of-athletes-after-highintensity-exercise.pdf https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25295663 Molecular hydrogen in sports medicine: new therapeutic perspectives.

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