Disclaimer – Zenii Skip to content

For the purposes of this Disclaimer the term “Zenii” shall mean Zenii Hydrogen Solutions Proprietary Limited (Registration Number 2016/496556/07) including its directors, employees, consultants, contractors, service providers, agents and guest contributors or authors.

The information and material (“Content”) provided on the Zenii website located at https://zenii.co.za  “the Website”) as well as any and all Content made available by Zenii – whether via the Website or any other method of publication or delivery including, but not limited to, email and any social media platforms – is not representative of the opinions and views of Zenii. The Content is meant for educational and information purposes only, and is not meant or intended to prevent, diagnose, treat or cure any disease. Zenii strongly suggests that before taking any action directly or indirectly linked to the Content provided  and/or purchasing any product through the Website or from any other person that the User/Purchaser (“User” or “Users”) first consults a suitable qualified healthcare professional.

By using the Website, the User agrees that the User voluntarily makes available to Zenii the User’s personal information. This disclaimer is to be read with the privacy policy applied by  Zenii which policy may be accessed at https://zenii.co.za/privacy-policy/

Zenii aims to provide up-to-date and informative Content of a high quality, however, Zenii does not warrant the accuracy of any of the Content. The Content should not be construed in any way as constituting medical advice. Users consume the Content provided by Zenii at their own discretion and volition. Zenii is in no way providing instruction, prescription or professional medical advice and cannot be responsible or liable for the decisions and actions which Users undertake as a result of the Content made available by Zenii and/or from purchasing any product available for sale on the Website regardless of whether or not the User was induced to purchase such product as a result of the Content provided by Zenii.

The User agrees that Zenii shall neither be liable in any manner for any damage, loss or liability that results from any Content provided, whether directly or indirectly, by Zenii nor shall Zenii be liable in any manner for any damage, loss or liability resulting from the purchase of any product on the Website regardless of whether or not the User was induced to purchase such product as a result of Content provided by Zenii.

The User further agreed to indemnify and hold Zenii harmless from and against any and all claims, losses, liabilities and damages that may arise directly or indirectly from the use of any product or Content in whatsoever format, howsoever supplied by Zenii.

Zenii hereby discloses that all complementary medicines and health supplements or products, available for purchase on the Website, are unregistered and have not been evaluated by the South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (“SAHPRA”) for the quality, safety or intended use of the products.

Content provided by Zenii is the property of Zenii and may not be distributed, reproduced or sold without the prior written consent of Zenii . “Zenii Hydrogen Solutions®” is a legally registered Trademark in terms of South African law.

By logging onto the Website and/or by consuming any Content provided by Zenii and/or by purchasing any product on the Website, the User signifies his/her acceptance of the abovementioned terms and conditions of this disclaimer.

We may amend this disclaimer from time to time. You should check the Website regularly to see when this disclaimer was last updated and amended and to review any update/s or amendment/s.

This disclaimer shall in all respects (including its existence, validity, interpretation, implementation and enforcement) be governed by the laws of South Africa.

Questions about the Disclaimer should be sent to us at support@zenii.co.za