Why do we all need Hydrogen?

Why do we all need Hydrogen?

Why do we all need Hydrogen?

Your Health depends on your Immune System!

The “new world” demands a strong healthy person, able to fight new threats such as viruses, high levels of stress, exposure to EMF’s and many more. Our immune system is the only defense. It protects us by first creating a barrier that stops invaders such as viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc. from entering the body. And if one slips by the barrier, the immune system produces white blood cells, and other chemicals and proteins that attack and destroy these foreign substances.

Doctors advice to Strengthen the Immune System with a Healthy Diet Rich in Antioxidant Nutrients

Hydrogen is now recognized to be the most potent “super antioxidant”. This is due to its novel antioxidant powers which other antioxidants do not provide.

Advantages of Hydrogen over any other Antioxidant:

  • Unlike vitamins, hydrogen is the only SELECTIVE antioxidant, neutralizing only HARMFULL FREE RADICALS. Vitamins cannot differentiate between beneficial and harmful free radicals. Eliminating beneficial free radicals result in negative side-effects or even adverse health-effects.
  • Being the smallest antioxidant in size and therefore able to enter the smallest sub-compartments of each cell in our body such as the Mitochondria and the Nucleus where HARMFUL FREE RADICALS cause the most damage. It is there where hydrogen can exert its powerful therapeutic potential by neutralizing HARMFUL FREE RADICALS.
  • Being the only antioxidant, able to cross the blood-brain-barrier to fight FREE RADICAL DAMAGE and inflammation in the brain such as Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s.
  • Being the only antioxidant able to neutralize HARMFULL FREE RADICALS into pure water – no other toxic by-products whatsoever. Vitamins can only convert harmful free radicals into less reactive free radicals.
  • Hydrogen has no side-effects whatsoever and can never be overdosed- unlike Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E.
  • Only hydrogen activates our natural antioxidant-defence-system for long term protection.
The size advantage of hydrogen is further demonstrated when we compare antioxidants contained in fruit and vegetables to antioxidants contained in hydrogen water. As example, the antioxidant value of drinking 1.5L of hydrogen water is equivalent to consuming 516 apples. You cannot eat 516 apples per day but easily drink 1,5L of hydrogen water.

Hydrogen is Backed by Science

Hydrogen is a natural, colorless, odorless, MEDICAL gas. The potent antioxidant potential was discovered by the Japanese Professor, Dr Shigeo Otha (PHD). This gained the attention from academic researchers, medical doctors, and physicians around the world. Hydrogen has so far demonstrated in over 1000 high quality scientific studies to have therapeutic potential for the prevention and treatment of more than 170 human and animal disease models including Cancer, Diabetes and Heart disease and more. The clinical and pre-clinical studies demonstrate that hydrogen is providing antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetes, anti-tumor, anti-allergy, anti-obesity and anti-apoptosis properties. Hydrogen was listed during May 2020 to the coronavirus treatment protocol as an IMPORTANT supplement. It improves the symptoms of chest pain, dyspnea, shortness of breath, cough, sputum and violent pneumonia in patients. In addition, it can reduce the risk of severe illness, help patients to improve pulmonary fibrosis and accelerate the recovery from the disease.
Why do we all need hydrogen?

Studies on Athletes Demonstrate Multiple Benefits in Sports Performance and Recovery

  • Drinking hydrogen water decreased blood lactate levels which reduced muscle fatigue and thereby increased peak power output.
  • Drinking hydrogen water resulted in a faster return to normal joint range of motion for both flexion and extension of the injured limb.

Is Hydrogen Gas Safe?

Absolutely. The FDA and the clinical papers validate that hydrogen gas is 100% safe, has no side-effects whatsoever, can never be overdosed and is even safe and beneficial for pregnant woman and babies. Hydrogen gas is NOT a foreign substance, but it is natural to the human body. Hydrogen gas provides the body with the important SELECTIVE antioxidants to eliminate HARMFUL FREE RADICALS which are responsible for the aging process and disease development. The Japanese government has recently approved hydrogen gas as an advanced medicine

How to get your Daily Dose of Hydrogen?

There are several effective delivery methods. Hydrogen can be administered via direct inhalation of the gas. However, the simplest method is to infuse the therapeutic gas into water, like making carbonated water. Once the gas is infused into the water it can be used for topical administration such as bath or nano-mist skin spray or by simply drinking the hydrogen water. Many studies have used hydrogen water to demonstrate the therapeutic efficacy of the gas as it presents the most comfortable to administer and enjoyable method. However, much higher doses are administered with inhalation therapy. 

The zenii product range is used in clinics by medical doctors and health care providers and by many private individuals in the comfort of their home. We welcome anybody to join us in our efforts of making this superior supplement/treatment widely available or to own your own device. [42] References: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5731988/ http://www.molecularhydrogeninstitute.com/hydrogen-alternative-fuel-to-alternative-medicine