Hydrogen Therapy - Type 2 Diabetes & Covid19

Hydrogen Therapy - Type 2 Diabetes & Covid19

The latest mortality data from the Western Cape has revealed that people with diabetes are more likely to die from Covid19 than any other high-risk group while those with HIV appear to be at less risk.

The provincial health department said that based on current data, it estimates that out of every 100 people within the public health-care sector who died from Covid19 -  52 had diabetes followed by 19 with hypertension and 12 with HIV. Hydrogen Therapy Type 2 Diabetes & Covid19 Other high-risk groups are people with heart disease, cancer and cancer treatment, TB, HIV with poor adherence to ARVs, and chronic lung diseases such as asthma, emphysema and chronic bronchitis. Molecular Hydrogen (H2) therapy has demonstrated in over 1000 high quality cell, animal and human studies to have therapeutic potential in the treatment of those high-risk diseases. The medical gas therapy is supported by physicians and medical doctors, it is cleared as safe by the FDA. There are no side effects from Molecular Hydrogen therapy but more importantly, it is a simple, easy to administer and comfortable treatment that can be done by the patient at home without nursing staff. Molecular Hydrogen therapy is an important modality in the prevention but also in treatment of Covid-19 infection. It is listed on the Cocid-19 treatment protocol and listed as ‘Advanced Medicine’ by the Japanese Government. Results show that it can improve the symptoms of chest pain, dyspnea, shortness of breath, cough, sputum and violent pneumonia in patients. In addition, it can reduce the risk of severe illness, help patients to improve pulmonary fibrosis and accelerate the recovery from the disease. The groundbreaking therapy is now available in South Africa by Medical Doctors and Health Care providers. The devices are also available for use by private individuals in the comfort of their homes. On our website, we provide free access to the latest research and scientific publications on hydrogen therapy and a range of easy to use devices. We invite health care practitioners and private individuals to learn more about this highly beneficial therapy and join our team. www.zenii.co.za References: https://www.timeslive.co.za/news/south-africa/2020-06-12-diabetes-the-leading-risk-factor-for-covid-19-deaths/ Hydrogen/oxygen mixed gas inhalation improves disease severity and dyspnea in patients with Coronavirus disease 2019 in a recent multicenter, open-label clinical trial: http://jtd.amegroups.com/article/view/40994/html?fbclid=IwAR0bcoYqcJZVCQUVJK2JgIQiRd4ji59Rw9wl54XXvbmPvqml94gwhJbS46A https://zenii.co.za/hydrogen-gas-lower-your-risk/ https://zenii.co.za/research-studies/#Diabetes_Type1 https://zenii.co.za/research-studies/#Diabetes_Type2 https://zenii.co.za/hydrogen-gas-in-cancer-treatment/ https://zenii.co.za/research-studies/ https://zenii.co.za/shop/