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Hydro Shot Keto and Vegan Friendly. Zero Calories

Hydro Shot + PQQ Tablets 60’s

R 849.00

Embark on a transformative journey toward enhanced well-being with Hydro Shot PQQ Tablets 60’s, an innovative dietary supplement designed to elevate your health and performance. Developed by Zenii Scientific, this ground-breaking formula combines the therapeutic powers of Medical Molecular Hydrogen (H2), PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone), and Nitric Oxide (NO), backed by scientific research.

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Hydrogen Icon Enhances overall well-being with natural solutions.
Hydrogen Icon Promotes optimal health through advanced technology.
Hydrogen Icon Supports body recovery and vitality with innovative therapies.

Start your healing journey today with HYDRO SHOT + PQQ medical hydrogen (H2) and nitric oxide (NO) dietary supplement. A ground-breaking formula supported by science!

Embark on a transformative journey toward enhanced well-being with Hydro Shot PQQ Tablets 60’s, an innovative dietary supplement designed to elevate your health and performance. Developed by Zenii Scientific, this ground-breaking formula combines the therapeutic powers of Medical Molecular Hydrogen (H2), PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone), and Nitric Oxide (NO), backed by scientific research.

The Power of Medical Molecular Hydrogen (H2)

Medical Molecular Hydrogen, also known as H2, is a true game-changer in the world of health supplements. It offers a multitude of benefits, and HYDRO SHOT + PQQ Tablets 60’s harnesses this power to promote vitality and overall health.

PQQ for Enhanced Cognitive Function

PQQ, or Pyrroloquinoline Quinone, is a remarkable compound that supports brain health and cognitive function. When combined with the healing properties of hydrogen, it becomes a powerful tool in your wellness arsenal.

Nitric Oxide (NO) for Cardiovascular Health

Nitric Oxide (NO) plays a vital role in cardiovascular health. This supplement ensures your body has an adequate supply of NO, promoting heart health and circulation.

Zero Calories, Keto and Vegan-Friendly

HYDRO SHOT + PQQ Tablets 60’s is a dietary supplement that aligns with various lifestyles. It contains zero calories, making it suitable for those conscious of their calorie intake. Furthermore, it’s keto, vegetarian, and vegan-friendly, ensuring that a wide range of individuals can incorporate it into their wellness routine.

Experience the future of wellness with HYDRO SHOT + PQQ Tablets 60’s. Whether you’re aiming to improve your vitality, cognitive function, or overall health, this revolutionary supplement is your key to a better, healthier you.

Unlock Your Wellness Potential with HYDRO SHOT + PQQ Tablets 60’s: A Revolutionary Hydrogen and PQQ Dietary Supplement

We need Oxygen to live and Hydrogen to live better.

Hydro Shot + PQQ has been formulated with three powerful active ingredients - Molecular Hydrogen, PQQ and Nitric Oxide.  They work synergistically to activate metabolic pathways involved in energy production and cognition.

Protect mitochondrial health with the combined power of:
H2 (Medical Hydrogen Gas)
PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone)
NO• (Nitric Oxide Gas)

Mitochondrial dysfunction has been definitively linked to virtually all killer diseases of aging, from Alzheimer's disease and type 2 diabetes to heart failure, cancer and many more. Hence, mitochondrial performance and longevity determines overall longevity. 

Mitochondria are specialised organelles inside our cell that are responsible for producing energy (ATP) from the food we eat and the oxygen we breathe.

The ATP produced by the mitochondria is then used by the cells to perform its function.

Bottom line - the greater the number of mitochondria in the body and the healthier their functioning, the greater the chances of living a long and healthy life.

So how can you give your mitochondria the support they need to remain healthy?

H2 and PQQ are two specialised and very important antioxidants that work synergistically to protect mitochondria and DNA from oxidative damage.

The power duo also work together to activate the body's own antioxidant defence system via activation of the NRF2 pathway.

Molecular Hydrogen (H₂)

The smallest molecule that supports the body’s natural detoxification system.

Molecular hydrogen (H₂) has been the subject of hundreds of studies. Hydrogen is at the forefront of scientific research and provides an exciting new therapy for disease prevention and anti-aging.

Why?  Hydrogen is proven to selectively target and scavenge toxic reactive oxygen species (ROS), or ‘free radicals’ to prevent disease, degeneration and aging resulting from oxidative stress.

PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone)

PQQ is a powerful antioxidant involved in numerous cellular processes. It’s often involved in a number of cellular processes that improve the function of existing mitochondria and promote the regeneration of new mitochondria. PQQ is also classified as a nootropic, which enhances brain functions like memory, mental focus, motivation and creativity.

NO• (Nitric Oxide)

The third key ingredient in Hydro Shot + PQQ is the Nobel Price winning molecule Nitric Oxide which is proven vital for cardiovascular health. Nitric Oxide is a vasodilator, meaning it relaxes the inner muscles of the blood vessels, causing the vessels to widen. By doing that, Nitric Oxide increases blood flow and lowers blood pressure but also increases oxygen and nutrient delivery to the cells.

How to Use


Create fresh, super saturated, medical hydrogen gas infused water, anytime and anywhere. Simply drop one zenii scientific HYDRO SHOT + PQQ tablet into a 300-500ml open glass of water and watch as a nano cloud of molecular hydrogen supersaturates the water. It will be ready to drink in less than 3 minutes. Other non-carbonated, non-alcoholic beverages can also be infused with the HYDRO SHOT + PQQ tablet but the H2 concentration is highest when used in pure water


Start with 1 serving best on an empty stomach, but not necessary, followed by a second serving during the day. Can be increased to 2 servings per day for adults.

Consider your level of stress and/or physical activity as well. HYDRO SHOT + PQQ  hydrating drinks provide therapeutic potential in prevention and treatment of a wide variety of diseases, increasing athletic performance/endurance, and speeding up healing/recovery from injury.


This ground-breaking formula combines the therapeutic powers of Medical Molecular Hydrogen (H2), PQQ (Pyrroloquinoline Quinone), and Nitric Oxide (NO):

  • Magnesium
  • Nitric oxide stimulating citrulline
  • Malic acid
  • Tartaric acid
  • Adipic acid
  • Pyrroloquinoline Quinone
  • Sodium Stearyl Fumarate

Health Benefits:

  • Superior antioxidant with unrivalled properties
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Anti-diabetes
  • Anti-tumor
  • Anti-aging
  • Anti-allergy
  • Anti-obesity
  • Promotes cognitive function
  • Supports the body’s natural detoxification
  • Support immune system and cellular health
  • Inhibits viral replication and kills bacteria
  • Supports healthy blood pressure levels
  • Promotes increased circulation
  • Increased delivery of oxygen to the cells
  • Increased delivery of nutrients to the cells
  • Removes metabolic waste products
  • Increased sexual performance
  • Protects mitochondria from oxidative damage
  • Promotes growth of new mitochondria
  • Supports neurological and cognitive function
  • Supports immune and cardiovascular health
  • Alleviates cancer treatment side-effects
  • Improves sleep

Athletic Benefits:

  • Increases peak power output (VO2 max)
  • Reduces muscle soreness
  • Speeds up healing and recovery
  • Prevents early fatigue
  • Helps prevent soft tissue injury

Why H2 and NO?

Why your body needs Medical Molecular Hydrogen (H2)

Molecular Hydrogen is the smallest molecule in the universe with novel, SELECTIVE antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties
that rival those of currently available prescription drugs.

Learn more about H2

Why your Body needs Nitric Oxide (NO)

Nitric oxide is long recognized as one of the most versatile and key regulators of the immune system. Like oxygen, it is essential for our cells.
We literally cannot live without it, and the older we get the less nitric oxide we produce. The link between cardiovascular health and nitric oxide levels has
been called the greatest discovery in medicine. 



Have questions? We have answers! If your question isn't here, feel free to reach out to us - we'd love to help you.
Frequently Asked Questions

Is it possible to drink too much H2 infused water?

H2 is not a foreign substance to the human body, but natural. The FDA and the scientific publications validate that H2 is safe, has no side-effects whatsoever, and can never be overdosed. Any hydrogen gas that your body does not use will naturally dissipate.

What does it taste like?

Zenii Scientific HYDRO SHOT + PQQ tablets leaves water with a smooth, fresh mouth feel, lemon flavoured taste that comes from the Citrulline which is naturally found in water melons. The magnesium can leave a mild metallic taste for some users, but so mild as to not be off-putting.

What kind of container do I need?

No special vessel needed! Its simplicity is brilliant: Just drop a tablet in a glass of any non-carbonated, non- alcoholic beverage.

For highest H2 concentrations use pure water and wait until the tablet has fully dissolved into millions of nano H2 bubbles. No need for a closed lid container, special hardware, or transportation worries.


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