Hydrogen - a Preventative and Therapeutic Medical Gas for Alzheimer’s Disease

Hydrogen - a Preventative and Therapeutic Medical Gas for Alzheimer’s Disease

Hydrogen- a Preventative and Therapeutic Medical Gas for Alzheimer’s Disease 

Alzheimer’s Disease is one of the most common neurodegenerative diseases in the elderly. Patients often show decreased ability of learning and memory, impaired cognitive function decline, normal social and emotional disorders. For this high-risk common disease, there is currently no effective treatment, which is a big challenge. Inflammation and oxidative stress are recognized as the main causes of Alzheimers Disease, [37] Parkinson’s Disease,[38] and other neurodegenerative diseases. As a new type of medical therapeutic gas, hydrogen is now recognized to be the most potent antioxidant to reduce oxidative stress. It can ameliorate neuronal damage, maintain the number of neurons, prolong the lifespan of neurons, and ultimately inhibit disease progression. This is due to its novel antioxidant powers which other antioxidants do not provide:

Advantages of Hydrogen over any other Antioxidant:

  • Being the smallest antioxidant in size, hydrogen is able to cross the blood-brain-barrier to fight FREE  RADICAL DAMAGE and inflammation in the brain.

  • Due to its tiny size, hydrogen can easily enter the smallest sub-compartments of each cell in the body such as the Mitochondria and the Nucleus where HARMFUL FREE RADICALS cause the most damage. It is there where the hydrogen molecule can exert its powerful therapeutic potential by neutralizing HARMFUL FREE RADICALS.

  • Unlike vitamins, hydrogen is the only SELECTIVE antioxidant, neutralizing only HARMFULL FREE RADICALS. Vitamins cannot differentiate between beneficial and harmful free radicals. Eliminating beneficial free radicals result in negative side-effects or even adverse health-effects.

  • Being the only antioxidant able to neutralize HARMFULL FREE RADICALS into pure water – no other toxic by-products.

  • Hydrogen has no side-effects whatsoever and can never be overdosed, unlike other antioxidants.

  • Hydrogen activates our natural antioxidant-defence-system for long term protection.

  • Hydrogen has been used in the study of so many disease models, so its safety also has received worldwide attention.

Hydrogen is Backed by Science!

Hydrogen is a natural, colorless, odorless, MEDICAL gas. The potent antioxidant potential was discovered by the Japanese Professor, Dr Shigeo Otha (PHD). This gained significant attention from academic researchers, medical doctors, and physicians around the world. Hydrogen has so far demonstrated in over 1000 high quality scientific studies to have therapeutic potential for the prevention and treatment of more than 170 human and animal disease models including Cancer, Diabetes, Alzheimer, Parkinson’s, Heart disease and more. [30]

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Is Hydrogen Gas Safe?

Absolutely. The FDA and the clinical papers validate that hydrogen gas is 100% safe, has no side-effects whatsoever, can never be overdosed and is even safe and beneficial for pregnant woman. Hydrogen gas is NOT a foreign substance, but it is natural to the human body. Hydrogen gas provides the body with the important SELECTIVE antioxidants to eliminate HARMFUL FREE RADICALS which are responsible for the aging process and disease development. The Japanese government has recently approved hydrogen gas as an advanced medicine[56]