Natural Healing with Molecular Hydrogen

Natural Healing with Molecular Hydrogen
There are 4 places on earth, to which millions of people travel each year after modern medicine failed; and when they drink or bath in the natural water present at those 4 places, they often experience “miracle healing”?
1. LOURDES (France)         2. NORDERNAU (Germany)     3. TLACOTE (Mexico)        4. NADANA (India)
For decades, researchers and scientists analyzed the waters of those 4 places to find the source of the therapeutic substance, but what they found was only a variety of minerals and trace elements as contained in most natural mineral waters on earth. Then, in 2005, Dr. Shigeo Otha (PHD), a Professor of Biochemistry and Cell Biology from Japan made a ground-breaking discovery. Knowing, that the aging process of the human body and over 90% of ALL diseases including Diabetes, Heart Disease, Arthritis, Cancer, Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, and more are directly linked to OXIDATIVE STRESS from harmful free radicals, he was searching for an ANTIOXIDANT that can neutralize those harmful free radicals without affecting the beneficial free radicals in the human body. He was immediately amazed at the great SELECTIVE properties of HYDROGEN GAS against OXODATIVE STRESS and decided to devote his life to HYDROGEN MEDICINE.