Hydrogen Gas in Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Hydrogen Gas in Type 2 Diabetes Treatment

Hydrogen Gas Reduces Risk of Type 2 Diabetes

One contributory factor in the development of type 2 diabetes is oxidative stress. Antioxidants such as Vitamin C, Vitamin E, Glutathione etc. are known to be beneficial in controlling the blood sugar level in type 2 diabetes patients. Latest scientific research has demonstrated that hydrogen is the most powerful novel but more importantly the only SELECTIVE antioxidant, reducing oxidative stress effectively.

One study in particular was designed to establish if hydrogen would have therapeutic potential in treatment of type 2 diabetes. 

Participants in the study included 30 people with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and 6 people with impaired glucose tolerance (IGT), which can be a precursor to T2DM. The 36 individuals (18 male and 18 female) were between the ages of 53 and 63. The subjects consumed 900ml of hydrogen-rich water or placebo water daily for 8 weeks, had a 12-week washout period and then had a further 8 weeks drinking the other water type. Blood tests were used at the start and end of each 8-week period to measure the levels of indicators of oxidative stress and insulin resistance. Oral glucose tolerance tests were used to assess the efficiency of glucose metabolism. Levels of indicators of oxidative stress were shown to have decreased significantly after hydrogen water consumption, while no significant change had occurred in the case of placebo water consumption, demonstrating that hydrogen water had a therapeutic antioxidant effect.  LDL (low density lipoprotein) levels had also been significantly reduced, indicating that hydrogen water had been beneficial in the effective metabolism of lipids. Similar results were found in a previous study on human hepatoma cells where hydrogen water was found to reduce serum LDL levels by suppressing the expression of the protein CD36. 4 out of the 6 participants with IGT had normal levels of glucose tolerance after 8 weeks of drinking hydrogen water. This suggests that taking in hydrogen water helped to slow or prevent the progress of diabetes. Adiponectin is a hormone which helps regulate glucose levels and the breakdown of lipids; those drinking the hydrogen-rich water were found to have higher levels of serum adiponectin than those drinking placebo water. An antioxidant enzyme, extracellular superoxide dismutase (EC-SOD), was also found in greater volumes after hydrogen water consumption. Increased adiponectin and EC-SOD levels both help contribute towards an improvement in insulin resistance. In conclusion, the results of the study show for the first time that supplementation with hydrogen-rich water has beneficial effects on lipid and glucose metabolism in humans. On the basis of theses findings, the study concludes that a sufficient supply of hydrogen water may prevent or delay the development and progression of T2DM and insulin resistance by providing protection against oxidative stress.

What is Hydrogen Gas (H2)?

H2 is a natural, colorless, odorless, MEDICAL gas. The powerful antioxidant properties have been discovered by the Japanese Professor, Dr Shigeo Otha (PHD) in 2007. Since then, H2 has demonstrated in over 1000 scientific studies to have therapeutic potential for more than 170 human and animal disease models.Hydrogen Medicine Type 2 Diabetes H2 is highly beneficial for every single organ in the animal and human body due to it’s antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, anti-tumor, anti-allergy, anti-diabetic, anti-obesity, and anti-aging properties.

H2 is not only Supported by Science, but also by Nature

There are 4 places on earth to which millions of people travel each year after having exhausted medical options without desired results: Hydrogen Type 2 Diabetes When people bath in or drink from the waters naturally present in those 4 places, they report “Miracle Healing”. For decades, those waters have been analyzed to find the source of their powers. What was found was only a variety of minerals and trace elements as contained in most natural mineral waters on Earth. However, after the discovery by Dr Otha, the 4 places have been revisited and analysed again with the finding that those waters contain HYDROGEN gas (H2).

 Is H2 Safe?

H2 is recognized as safe by the FDA and is gaining significant attention from academic researchers, medical doctors, and physicians around the world for its reported therapeutic potential. Over 1’600 international researchers are currently engaged in the biochemical research on various disease models. During March 2020 hydrogen gas was listed on the latest international coronavirus treatment protocol as an IMPORTANT supplement/therapy for its ability to reduce inflammation and airway resistance in severe and critical COVID-19 patients.

Advantage of H2 over other Antioxidants


Antioxidants are so beneficial to our health because they eliminate free radicals from our bodies. However, unlike vitamins, H2 is the only antioxidant that can differentiate between harmful and beneficial free radicals. This is particularly important during viral infections. Hydrogen peroxide, naturally produced by our white blood cells is one of our beneficial free radicals’ which attacks bacteria and viruses in our body. Eliminating beneficial free radicals promotes adverse health/side effects. This is experienced when taking an overdose of vitamin C as an example.


H2 is the smallest antioxidant allowing it to rapidly penetrate each cell in the body and reach subcellular compartments, being the source of harmful free radical production. It is there where it can exert its therapeutic effects of neutralising those harmful free radicals. Molecular Hydrogen Type 2 Diabetes As the coronavirus pandemic progresses, health experts notice and warn that the danger of the virus reach beyond the lung, liver, and heart, but more disturbingly also the brain. Due to its size, H2 is the ONLY antioxidant that can cross the blood brain barrier and fight inflammation in the brain. Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and Dementia are also inflammation in the brain and hydrogen has demonstrated therapeutic potential for prevention and treatment of neurological disorders. zenii hydrogen The size advantage is further demonstrated when we compare antioxidants contained in fruit and vegetables compared to antioxidants contained in hydrogen water. As example, the antioxidant value of drinking 1.5L of hydrogen water is equivalent to consuming 516 apples. Antioxidants Molecular Hydrogen


Free radicals are a natural waste of our cells which cannot be stopped. For that reason, our body produces antioxidants in the form of glutathione, catalase etc. However, an unhealthy lifestyle and naturally as we get older, this production slows down, driving the aging process and disease development. H2 activates our bodies own antioxidant production, providing long term protection, which no other antioxidant offers.


Unlike other antioxidants, H2 neutralizes harmful free radicals. Other antioxidants convertharmful free radicals into less aggressive radicals. The only by-product of H2 by neutralizing free radicals is pure water which explains why drinking hydrogen water hydrates 6 time more than regular water.

How to get your Daily Dose of Hydrogen?

There are several effective delivery methods. H2 can be administered via direct inhalation of the gas. The most comfortable method however is to infuse the therapeutic gas into water, like making carbonated water. Once the gas is infused into the water it can be used for topical administration such as shower, bath or creams or simply drinking the hydrogen water. Most studies have used hydrogen water to demonstrate the therapeutic efficacy of the gas as it presents the most comfortable, easy to administer and enjoyable method.