Hydrogen Gas in the fight of Harmful Free Radicals

Hydrogen Gas in the fight of Harmful Free Radicals

What are Free Radicals?

A free radical is an unstable molecule that is missing an electron. A free radical may attack nearby molecules to satisfy itself. When a free radical attacks and steals an electron from another molecule it damages the other molecule in a process called oxidation (stealing of electrons). Free Radicals

But not all Free Radicals are Bad!

Some free radicals like Hydrogen Peroxide (H2O2) and Nitric Oxide (NO•) have important functions inside your cells. For example, Hydrogen Peroxide is used by your immune cells to kill viruses, bacteria and other pathogens. Nitric Oxide is a signalling molecule that is involved in many processes inside your body, one of which is to relax your blood vessels.

Free Radicals

Where do Free Radicals come from?

Free radicals are formed inside your mitochondria, which are the tiny power plants inside each of your cells. As mitochondria break down the food you eat for energy, with the oxygen you breath they produce free radicals as waste. You can think of it like this. A car engine generates energy by combustion (burning gasoline) to produce energy. In this process, complete combustion leads to the by-products of Carbon Dioxide and Water Vapor, both of which are not toxic. Incomplete combustion, however, occurs 5-10% of the time and produces Carbon Monoxide, a toxic chemical. Free Radicals

Similarly, the mitochondria in your cells break down glucose (from food) in order to produce ATP (Energy Currency of Cells). In this process, 2-5% of all the oxygen you breathe convert into Free Radicals. Free Radicals The amount of free radicals formed inside the cells is influenced by your lifestyle and your environment. Just like how an older car that is not well maintained produces more pollution, as you age and live without taking good care of your body, you are prone to increased free radical production.

What are the Factors that Increase Free Radicals?

Free radicals form naturally as a by-product of living life. However, depending on your lifestyle, diet and environment more free radicals can form inside your cells. Check below to see which free radical producers you are exposed to daily.

Free Radicals

The Most Dangerous Free Radicals: Hydroxyl Radicals!

Free radicals such as hydrogen peroxide and nitric oxide are utilized by your cells or they are neutralized by antioxidant enzymes in your cells readily. However, when there is an excess of free radicals, these free radicals have a high chance of converting into hydroxyl radicals. Hydroxyl radicals are highly reactive

, meaning they will steal an electron from just about any molecule including DNA, protein, lipids, etc. Continuous free radical damage caused by hydroxyl radicals is directly linked to pre-mature aging and over 90% of ALL diseases. Since hydroxyl radicals react with almost anything, typical antioxidants don’t even have a chance to neutralize them before these free radicals damage the molecules in your cells. Hydroxyl radicals can damage DNA, which may lead to mutations. Hydroxyl radicals can damage Mitochondria, this makes the Mitochondria less efficient at producing energy which negatively affects every organ and body function. Additionally, damaged Mitochondria increase free radical production (snowball effect). Hydroxyl radicals can damage entire cells, which will lead to health challenges.