Hydrogen Gas in Cancer Treatment

Hydrogen Gas in Cancer Treatment

Hydrogen Gas in Cancer Treatment

Advanced cancer treatment is a huge challenge and new strategies and treatments are required. Oxidative stress is involved in cancer development and progression. Hydrogen-gas (H2) is the most powerful, novel and the only SELECTIVE antioxidant. It exhibits strong anti-inflammatory and anti-cancer activities.

What is Hydrogen-Gas (H2) and the

Science behind it?

Hydrogen is a natural, colorless, odorless, MEDICAL gas. The potent antioxidant potential was discovered by the Japanese Professor, Dr Shigeo Otha (PHD) and published in the most prestigious journals “NATURE MEDICINE” and “SCIENCE”. This has gained the attention from academic researchers, medical doctors, and physicians around the world.  Hydrogen Gas in Cancer Treatment Since the discovery by Dr Otha, more than 1600 researchers have teamed up globally in the biomedical research of hydrogen. These scientific publications have also conclusively demonstrated that hydrogen-gas provides therapeutic potential in the prevention and treatment of cancers. In December 2019, hydrogen-gas monotherapy has now for the first time demonstrated to be also effective in the treatment of brain metastases after conventional treatments failed. This is significant and exiting as standard chemotherapy is ineffective because of the blood–brain barrier. Due to its unique size, hydrogen gas can cross the blood-brain-barrier and penetrate ALL body cells. “A 44-year-old woman diagnosed with lung cancer with multiple metastases in November 2015. Oral targeted drugs were initiated after the removal of brain metastases, and most lesions remained stable for 28 months. In March 2018, intracranial multiple metastases, as well as hydrocephalus accumulation in the third ventricle and lateral ventricles, and metastases in bone, adrenal gland, liver were noted. Hydrogen-gas monotherapy was started to control the tumor a month later. After 4 months, the size of multiple brain tumors was reduced significantly, and the amount of hydrocephalus in the third ventricle and lateral ventricles reduced significantly. After 1 year, all brain tumors had disappeared, and there were no significant changes in metastases in the liver and lung. These data show that, after standard treatments had failed, hydrogen-gas monotherapy elicited significant effective control of tumors (especially those in the brain)…”


Hydrogen Gas Suppresses Tumor Formation

  Hydrogen Gas Suppresses Tumor Growth

  Hydrogen Gas Prevents/Relieves the Harmful Side  Effects Related to Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy

Hydrogen Gas in Cancer Treatment

Hydrogen Gas for Health

So far, over 1000 high quality scientific studies have demonstrated that hydrogen-gas provides therapeutic potential for the prevention and treatment of more than 170 human and animal disease models including cancers, diabetes and heart disease. Hydrogen Gas for Health The clinical and pre-clinical studies demonstrate that hydrogen-gas is providing antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, anti-diabetes, anti-allergy, anti-obesity and anti-apoptosis properties. Hydrogen-gas reduces oxidative stress and improves redox homeostasis partly mediated via the Nrf2 pathway, which regulates levels of glutathione, superoxide dismutase, catalase, etc.

Is Hydrogen Gas Safe?

Absolutely! The FDA and the clinical papers validate that hydrogen-gas is 100% safe, has no side-effects whatsoever, can never be overdosed and is even safe and beneficial for pregnant woman and babies. Hydrogen-gas is NOT a foreign substance, but it is natural to the human body. During our best years, our gut bacteria is able to produce litres of hydrogen-gas after a fibre rich meal. However, as we get older, this process slows down. This is linked to the aging process and the development of over 90% of all diseases. Hydrogen-gas will provide the body with the important SELECTIVE antioxidants to eliminate HARMFUL FREE RADICALS which are responsible for the aging process and disease development. The Japanese government has recently approved hydrogen-gas inhalation as an advanced medicine

How to get your Daily Dose of Hydrogen-Gas?

There are several effective delivery methods. Hydrogen-gas can be administered via direct inhalation of the therapeutic gas. This method is preferred for patients suffering from cancers and was used in most pre-clinical and clinical studies. It provides highest hydrogen-gas concentration and organ saturation. The ability to directly inhale the gas provides an easy to administer, comfortable and affordable treatment option. The treatment does not require certification and can be administered by the patients in the comfort of their homes. No nursing staff is required.        Hydrogen Gas in Cancer Treatment

Meet the Powerful Zenii-Inhale

A revolutionary and impressive way forward in the molecular hydrogen therapy industry. This inhalation system gives you excess to the most powerful form of hydrogen-gas therapy.     Advanced patented SPE/PEM hydrogen-gas generation process     No catalyst required, only pure/distilled water     Produces 99.999% pure hydrogen-gas     Produces 99.999% pure oxygen-gas     Includes all attachments for hydrogen-gas inhalation

Meet the Portable Zenii-Mini Inhale

H2 Mini Inhale ✔    Advanced patented SPE/PEM hydrogen-gas generation process ✔    No catalyst required, only pure/distilled water ✔    Produces 99.999% pure hydrogen-gas ✔    Includes all attachments for hydrogen-gas inhalation

Hydrogen-Gas Infused Water

The simplest method is to infuse the medical gas into water.  The combination of hydrogen-gas inhalation and ingestion of hydrogen infused water will provide maximum supplementation of the therapeutic gas.

Hydro Shot Drinking hydrogen infused water is one of the best, effective and natural ways to enjoy vibrant health and beauty.

The zenii devices and tablets are already used in clinics by medical doctors and health care providers and by many private individuals in the comfort of their home. We welcome anybody to join us in our efforts of making this superior supplement/treatment widely available or to own your own device. On the zenii website, we provide free access to the latest research and scientific publications on hydrogen therapy including cell, animal, and human studies.


https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6927257/ https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fonc.2019.00696/full https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/31908482 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6096066/ http://tcr.amegroups.com/article/view/23326/html https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/?term=Hydrogen+gas+inhibits+lung+cancer+progression+through+targeting+SMC3 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/25870767 https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/22146004 http://www.molecularhydrogeninstitute.com/hydrogen-alternative-fuel-to-alternative-medicine https://zenii.co.za/research-studies/