The Alkaline Water Fad ! The Truth behind Alkaline Water !

The Alkaline Water Fad ! The Truth behind Alkaline Water !


IONIZED ALKALINE WATER in plastic bottles has NO health benefits and is NOT supported by science whatsoever! 

Scientific research has firmly established that it is the hydrogen gas that is the key ingredient responsible for the therapeutic benefits of ionized alkaline water and NOT the pH or minerals, or other properties (ORP) as promoted by companies.  When water is ionized, a low amount of hydrogen gas is infused into the water.  Hydrogen gas is a tasteless, odorless, colorless, medical gas with novel, powerful, selective antioxidant, anti-tumor, anti-diabetes and anti-allergy properties.  1000+ high quality articles and scientific studies have so far demonstrated that hydrogen gas provides therapeutic potential for over 170 different diseases and essentially for every organ in the human body. It is approved as ADVENCED MEDICINE in Japan and is now listed as an IMPORTANT supplement for treatment of COVID-19 infection. One of Hydrogen’s unique properties is its tiny size which afford it to penetrate rapidly into our cells and bio-membranes; and even cross the blood-brain-barrier.  However, being the smallest and lightest element in our universe also allows it to pass freely though plastic, glass and many other materials.  Therefore, bottled ionized alkaline water does NOT contain any therapeutic hydrogen gas about 8 hours after bottling. This is interesting news to consumers purchasing bottled ionized alkaline water for a much higher price than regular bottled water.  Sales persons of bottled ionized alkaline water often do not know that it is the hydrogen gas in freshly consumed ionized alkaline water that is the source of potential therapeutic benefits but they often also not know that hydrogen gas cannot be contained in plastic bottles and that therefore their bottled water does not contain any therapeutic hydrogen gas.  Additionally, freshly produced ionized alkaline water only contains a low hydrogen gas content which is not what is used in scientific studies.  Hydrogen water generators produce hydrogen rich water. Hydrogen rich water with a neutral PH is what has been used in Preclinical and clinical studies to demonstrate therapeutic potential.  Not surprisingly, when degassed (hydrogen gas removed) ionized alkaline water with a PH 9.5 – 10 is given to the placebo group in scientific studies, NO therapeutic benefits are noted.  To benefit from the therapeutic potential of hydrogen gas, a hydrogen generator is your best choice. Zenii Hydrogen Solutions has developed a comprehensive range of technologically advanced molecular hydrogen devices featuring world leading hydrogen concentrations and safety features. 
